Lesson number two: Follow your own pace. This mantra was said time and time again along the trail. Follow your own pace. It’s not a race. The hikers in our group were at different skill levels, and at different places in their life. Our group spanned over five decades of experiences, and not one of us had ever ventured on the Camino Inka. But we all had the willpower and encouragement to reach Machu Picchu. Not everyone will make it to the destination at the same time, but we all will make it. Alive. And we did. We each have our own path in this life. We may follow others along the trail, or we may take a different road. We may even take the same path twice, but what we sense along the way may take us down a whole other journey. Life is not a race, nor is it all about the destination. Too many times when I sit to meditate, my body leans forward, wanting to keep moving ahead. Too many times I’ve had to force my body to realign my ears over my shoulders, and my shoulders over my hips. Too many times I’ve had to remind myself to just be and “follow your own pace.” To sit back, and enjoy a moment of rest, then keep moving. It’s about both the journey and the destination. Because if life were a race, who would win? So, my friends, follow your own pace. And Kawsaypac to LIFE.

To be continued yet again...